Health dictatorship
Health dictatorship
We are definitely living in strange times. It has been a long time since society has been so divided. Without wanting to play too much opportunists by wanting to play the click whores on a theme to how rowdy, I tried slam. This is not the first time, I did this once long before the fashion of this style. To shout my disgust, my anger, my sadness and my anxieties about this ludicrous and authoritarian situation, where we see our freedoms fly away like the glaciers of Greenland, I did not find it relevant to sing. I am well aware that this subject of health crisis is controversial. Never have I been insulted as much as I have since July. I respect everyone’s opinions but I realize that it is not necessarily reciprocal. Social networks are valuable tools but they can be pitiful spillways of hate. I discovered that I was a conspiracy theorist! If! … I thought that wanting to use his free will was more of an anti-conspiracy attitude. Some people think that the word dictatorship is inappropriate, but on the contrary I think that we are on a dangerous slope and that we are moving towards a society that is increasingly invasive and socially violent: our private lives are threatened. What is the term that best corresponds to this drift in your opinion? Our Western countries are too old. The youth are taken hostage by a fringe of the population that has money and power and has been electing the same kings for ages. I am no longer very young myself but I am so disgusted that for safety we are ready for anything, including endangering the health of the goods bearing !!!!
Leave me your comments, I will be happy to answer you. Let us not give up.
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